twitter_0509_4Hey folks! I’m so glad and humbled that you’re interested in checking out what we’re doing here at Heart of Business.

At Heart of Business we believe that every act of business can be an act of love. Since 2001 we’ve helped thousands of self-employed and small business owners make a real living at what they love without losing their hearts in the process.

I’m humbled by the trust Example shows in me. I appreciate you being willing to take in what I say. I appreciate you being willing to take in what I say. The people with heart, the people who care- that’s who I really want to see fly in this dysfunctional, painful economy we live in.

Please join us.

Completing the form to take the assessment will also register you for the Heart of Business newsletter. Every week we send you heart-felt and nitty-gritty help for your business.

The assessment I want you to take is the result of working with thousands of business owners over the past 13 years, and observing the stages of business development every one who is successful has to go through. I think you’ll find a great deal of relief and insight by taking it.

A note about our newsletter. Many times these kinds of collaborations precede a blitz of marketing about the latest and greatest upcoming program that you just have to jump into…

Heart of Business offerings are, for the most part, ever-green. Meaning you can sign up when you’re ready. There’s no “launch deadline,” and so there’s no heavy promotion.

If you resonate with our message and what we have to say, you may eventually step into one of our courses. But I just want you to know there’s no big launch of any hyped-up tele summit or heaven-forfend “platinum program” waiting in the wings to pounce on you.

Just so you know.