Registration for the 2024 cohort is now closed.

Can every act of business be an act of love… and still be effective?

A nine week course to both help you heal from toxic business culture and to help your small business thrive.

You have a gift or passion to share, but so much about the world of business feels gross.

Or maybe you’ve been in business for awhile, and there are still parts of it you struggle to embrace, like marketing or sales.

Making a business successful requires all kinds of things. But perhaps the deepest thing it requires is a true understanding of how you can be in business from your heart.


The Heart of Your Business nine week course

HOB_Course_Logo_2016_0620b_FNL_highresHow to ensure your business succeeds while enjoying a healthy, spirit-centered relationship with the marketplace.

The world is really hurting. The effects of global business have helped to destroy the environment, undermine culture and family, and have left our hearts yearning for something very different than strip mining, factory farms, and constant online shopping. We long for beauty and real vibrancy in the world around us.

Changing business is not the only solution, but healthy, heart-centered business is a vital part of the healing. Learning how to do business from the heart, in a truly spirit-centered way, is part of what can support us in creating the more beautiful world our hearts long for.

In short, I want you to have your feet on the ground, and your heart open in this world of business. I want you to succeed, on terms that make your heart happy.

And I know you can. I’ve witnessed thousands of people make the shift from fighting with aspects of business to loving them… but loving the ethical, beautiful versions of those aspects.

Here are some of the pieces that will make this possible:

  • A true understanding of what business really is, and what it can be, so you can let go of fighting it and instead form a healthy, heart-centered relationship with being in business.
  • Clarity around how marketing really works, so you can let go of painful or unethical practices and embrace marketing that feels good and will grow your business.
  • How to deeply trust yourself, especially when you find you need to go “off-road” from what all the business people are telling you to do.
  • A profound understanding of what it takes to make a business really work, so you can step out of the “maybe, someday” illusion and make an honest, grounded, realistic commitment to your business.
  • An opening around money, and your relationship with it, so you can do the things you need to do to have healthy finances.

Pay from the Heart, +/- US$500.

We’re offering this course on a “pay from your heart” basis, which means we ask for what is sustainable for us, and you also get a say in what price is sustainable for you. I’ll explain how that works further down, but the bottom line: we want you to have access to this heart-centered worldview, and we want to be supported, too.


The Journey, in a nutshell

Over nine weeks we’ll take you through a series of specific heart-based teachings and exercises that will help clear out the confusion and overwhelm around business. In the process, you’ll learn some very practical ways to develop your business that truly work in full alignment with your heart.

It’s all about integrating these three elements:

  • The Big Picture

    See the whole terrain of what business is.

  • Spiritual Teachings

    Find the love in everything.

  • Nitty-Gritty

    Inspired, roll-up-your-sleeves action.

When you do the inner and outer work to see business through the lens of love, you naturally start doing things from the heart. Yes, even things you thought you hated (like marketing or sales) because of how horribly they’ve be done by others. It’s this natural shift that creates real results.

I’ve taught the topics in this program hundreds of times, leading thousands of people through these exercises and teachings. This approach has proven time and again to be extremely effective. The day to day tasks that make your business work can really fulfill your heart, too.

Client Experience: Suz Fraser

I figured it’d be like all the others. I’d soon see that it wasn’t a fit for me, or more accurately, I wasn’t a fit for it. I figured I’d get bored or find what I needed from it pretty fast and be ready to move on … or maybe give up on the biz part altogether. … or … who knows?
I think I’ve described my experiences, insights, delighted surprise and deep gratitude all through this course. I am amazed and beyond appreciative to have enrolled in this course.  I’m still in shock that for once, I just knew in my heart and soul that this was the right place and time for me to participate, and for once, I was right. And I really have participated with my whole self. I can’t even tell you how odd this is for me to have kept this project as such a priority from the get-go till now. And to still be experiencing such wonder and excitement about the next steps with HOB! Thank you doesn’t even convey it.
 It’s been lovely to *want* to get up early in the mornings and work on it while my mind is fresh and the house is quiet before the day gets going. I’ve looked forward to delving into the course material and immersing myself in the various processes and discovery levels it evokes. The *variety* of media chosen made it interesting, memorable and even more useful and valuable. Drawing the distinctions between biz and spiritual issues in ways that clearly conveyed them, making these ideas easy to see and relate to, opened doors I didn’t even know existed. Revolutionary concepts introduced in the material and supported in the calls moved me forward in so many ways.
 I so appreciate the built-in versatility of this course that’s been open and flexible with boundaries and guidelines for soaking it in, without hard and fast rules and regulations. Perhaps this is one of the keys to why this course material has resonated so perfectly with me when no other one has before. For the first time, I really feel that I have been able to dig in and absorb so much of what’s being offered here. It’s been a great match and vehicle to help me move forward with the tools I need, in the perfect environment to feed and nourish my unconventional soul and spirit. Thank you from the core of my heart!

Opportunities to move forward are popping up. And now, I’m delighted to embrace them, where I was hesitant (or even oblivious?) before. People and projects that are much better matches for me to work with are showing up!  Like magic! These are marvelous gifts!


– Suz Fraser, The Heart of Your Business past participant

easelWhy you can’t just learn your way out of the struggle

Many business trainings focus on nitty-gritty details of how to do social media, or how to launch a course or a membership site, and very few give you the big picture of the entire terrain that business exists on.

Without the big picture, the details you learn in courses, workshops and books won’t fit together: you’ll end up with a crazy, jumbled mess of a business, with some parts of your business super-refined, other parts missing entirely, and none of it feeling entirely like it’s really who you are.

Those details are important and you do want to learn them, but in the right timing. If you go to put a puzzle together, you probably want to see a picture of the completed puzzle, before you start picking out pale blue and off-white little puzzle pieces, and wondering where the heck they fit in.

The challenge of spirituality in business

Spirituality in business has become all the rage, and I’m grateful for that. The acceptance of spirituality in business has been the work of many people over decades, and it’s a relief. However, it’s not all equally effective.

Many versions of business spirituality take what I call the “gas tank” approach: fill up on spiritual connection, like filling your gas tank. Then, when your tank runs down while “doing business” you stop and go fill back up again.

Other approaches seem to be connected to versions of “think and it shall be” that can get caught inflating the ego and trying to use the world as a big shopping catalog, instead of relating to reality as a humbling, sacred mystery.

Neither of those approaches have resonated with me, and some versions of them do real harm.

This course does have a great deal of spirituality in it. That’s because there is no realm of human life that isn’t touched and permeated by spirit. What’s needed is not to integrate spirit and business, but to see how it’s already integrated. Relationship with spirit directly affects our relationship with the nitty-gritty day-to-day details of being in business, in profound and helpful ways.

Those Crazy Sufis

The Sufis, which is the spiritual lineage Heart of Business teachings are based in, cling to a notion of devotional surrender, which attempts to live every moment of life with awareness that the Divine, the Source of Love (which is not, incidentally, an angry beard in the sky) is always present.

(If you’re unfamiliar with Sufism, perhaps you’ve heard of the poet Rumi? Or Hafiz? They are both considered Sufi saints and masters. I, Mark, have learned Sufism at the feet of a Sufi sheikh from Jerusalem, who was the inheritor of an unbroken 1400 year old spiritual lineage.)

The Heart of Business approach was born out of the realization that certain esoteric spiritual teachings are present within many nitty gritty business practices. The awareness of this already-existing integration means that the work of business itself can be a spiritual practice. There is no “tank” to run dry, just the always present invitation to remember Love even while you get your hands dirty… and the dirt is Divine as well.

You don’t have to be Sufi or know anything about Sufism. We’ve worked happily with folks from all traditions, and with those who have no tradition at all. Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Hindu, Zoroastrian, and the spiritual but not religious, and so many others. The teachings are approachable and profound.

The Heart of Your Business nine week program

Business Gone Wrong…

Within marketing, for instance, it is often taught that you need to talk about the “pain points.” This is true, and it works. However, you can talk about someone’s pain points from a place of manipulation, that retraumatizes them, and manipulates them into buying from you in order to receive relief from the trauma.

That’s gross. No one of heart wants to do that.

…And the deeper teaching that sets it right.

The deeper teaching is based on a Sufi quote that says the Divine had a yearning to be known, and so created the Creation in order to be known. Every human carries this Divine spark of yearning to be known, and when we are truly witnessed and seen, there is a profound healing of the separation we usually perceive, helping us melt back into Unity.

When your marketing can witness the struggle people are having, the pain they are facing, without saying they are broken, without saying you are the only one to offer “an answer,” but simply witnessing their wholeness and Divinity, and also witnessing the pain and struggle they sometimes experience, then your marketing can actually bring healing, whether or not they buy from you.

Client Experience: Laurel Brookes


Hi Mark,
I am thrilled over this new offering [The Heart of Your Business]. I am so grateful for you and Heart of Business. I can’t watch your videos with dry eyes. I feel your heart. I don’t mean for this to sound sappy, but it shows me that my heart is opening.

I am delighted. You give so much. I wish I were in the position to give more for your new class as your work is priceless. However since Heart of Money and Foundations1: Clients & Money I have had NO panic attacks over money, and my business is slowly growing. And I feel supported. Those things are monumental for me.

I sent out the following message some of my friends with your email:

“I have been doing Mark Silver’s Heart of Business programs since Jan. I cannot say enough about his extraordinary expertise in combining spirituality with sound business principles. He covers every detail in exquisite precision so that when I reread his writing, I can feel the concepts grounding and integrating deeply in my heart.

For years I have been looking for Heart of Business but didn’t even know it. There are so many expensive slick and ‘salesy’ approaches to business that turn me off. HOB programs are life-changing and affordable. I am delighted to be able to give this testimonial about somebody who is in integrity and ‘heart first’.

You might want to check in with your heart on this one.”

– Laurel Brookes,

These Jewels are everywhere

JewelIf one looks, one can find the presence of the Source of Love, calling us to devote ourselves to love in every action we take. These kinds of jewels are hidden all around us, in every day life, in every day business, in sales, in marketing, in systems, in accounting. “Wheresoever ye turn, there is the Face of the Divine.”

All too often we forget that the face of the Divine in in business, too. And experiencing that it is is the biggest step you can take towards finding an alignment between the strength of who you really are, the sacred tenderness of your heart, and the gift and service you want to bring to the world.

Business and money are neither more nor less than everything else in existence, and they both, as does everything else, partake of Divine origin. Seeing and embracing this reality can usher in profound change.

There is no need to bring love or the Divine to business. All that is needed is the humility and yearning to see what is already there.

Business Results (meaning making money)

All of this is very beautiful, and there is no doubt you’re also wanting to know about business results, about making money. Yes! Good question! You need to care for yourself, you need to pay the bills, keep a roof over your head and food on the table.

Will you make more money during these 9 weeks?

While I can’t promise you absolutely “yes,” many of our participants have reported more clients and money as a result of the course. Yet the whole truth is, it depends.

Building a sustainable business takes time. In our experience it takes between 18 months and 3 years of focusing on business development to move from start up to momentum.

If you have a brand new, or as-yet unstarted business, you *may* start making more money. What I can promise, however, is that you will be set up to create a really successful business in the months and years to come, with a clear road map for how to proceed. And, it will help you avoid quagmires and mistakes that many before you, who didn’t have a clear road map, did get stuck in.

If you have a business that is already going, the practical insights, spiritual connection, and clarity here might have you making changes that will help you immediately. We hear of this happening often.

We trust our clients as the adults that they are. They know that “silver bullets” and magic shortcuts don’t exist, and they are suspicious of snake oil masquerading as a sure-fire path to riches.

Here’s what we see: our clients make money. Over and over again, consistently, when they apply the principles. Sometimes results come slowly and steadily, such as an acupuncturist who was ready to quit, burnt out from not being able to make ends meet in a major city. She worked with us, applied our principles, and over 4 years went from under $30,000/year to over $100,000/year.

Other times the results come more quickly, such as many folks in our Learning Community who learn how to hold a heart-centered sales conversation (among many other things). They  find themselves enrolling many more clients, and for more money. One such participant added over $1000 to her regular monthly income within 2-3 months of working with us.

No nine session program is going to give you everything you need. Yet we can give you a lot, if you let us.

From Andrea J. Lee

After 20+ years as CEO of a leadership training and business coaching company, Mark remains one of my most recommended teachers and coaches, as well as someone I turn to for guidance myself. To Mark I send clients who look for more than the typical misguided business support.

The clients and colleagues who have worked with him report that what he teaches gets to the root of stuck places, brings meaning to work that had become a chore, and with that sustainable revenue streams, and results.

Additionally, I hired him to speak at my event, Wealthy Thought Leader, where he was one out of 6 speakers – he received a standing ovation on the topic of selling from the heart. The work he does is useful and doable, and I hope he knows how much his commitment to entrepreneurs is a blessing.

Client experience: Leela Sinha

Mark is one of the sweetest, gentlest, kindest coaches I know. By which I do not mean that he will let you get away with telling yourself things that aren’t true about what you’re capable of; but he will do it in such a way that you may not notice the resistance slipping away. He is wise, and has been in this work a LONG time.

Everything is methodical, but not entrenched, and above all he will help you build your business while being kind to yourself and doing right by your clients. If you need coaching that feels like gentle spring rain, Mark is your person.

The History

The Heart of Your Business nine week program

I grew up in business. My parents ran a retail store that my grandfather had started in the 1930s. My mom went on to start a few different small businesses in addition while I was growing up.

Naturally I hated business. 🙂 I was an activist, which led me into the world of nonprofits, where I eventually became the managing editor of a nonprofit magazine. I turned it around from deep in the red to breaking even. I couldn’t quite figure out how to make it fly beyond that, but I learned a ton.

In 2000 my spiritual journey was deepened and I was swept up into an unbroken 1400 year old Sufi Islamic lineage. I went through an intensive 3 year training in Sufi spiritual healing with a speciality in business healing(?!), plus an additional 2 year teacher training. Parallel to this I launched Heart of Business, when I started seeing that some core esoteric teachings were found within many business practices.

Eventually I earned my Masters of Divinity while growing Heart of Business from a small solo practice, to a team who delivers an extensive curriculum. Since 2001 we’re worked with thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world, thousands of people receive our newsletter every week, and our programs have dozens to hundreds of people taking part.

What is covered in the program

The topics covered in each class are rich and profound, with practical applications. They are also well-tested, with many, many students working through these teachings before you.

Session 1

Live call:
January 9, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Introduction & Big Picture Call

We’ll kick things off with a Get-Started Call, orient you to the program, and deepen your connection to your heart. You’ll get the Big Picture perspective, which is what so many people are lacking.

In addition to important information about what to expect, and how to get the most out of this course, Mark will be providing Q&A coaching and deepening from the foundational pre-work.  You’ll have received your pre-work well ahead of time so you will be able to complete it prior to the call.

Session 2

Live call:
January 16, 2023
2:30pm Eastern

What Is Business

Although many people are “in” business and can describe what they offer, very few understand the basic functions that make up what business actually is — and then end up missing key ingredients to what makes a business successful and why.
During this session you’ll:

  • Develop a heart-centered definition of business, and how it can keep you oriented and aligned.
  • Learn the role of spirituality in business, what it can do and what it can’t do.
  • Gain perspective on business in the world, including both the power of business and it’s innate limits.
  • Understand the stages of business development, and what is needed at each stage, so you know where to focus and what you can safely ignore.

And now that you know what business is, you can step into…

Session 3

Live call:
January 23, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Healing Your Relationship with Business

If people treated their primary relationships the way most people treated their businesses, everyone would be divorced or broken up with. In this class we delve into how to have a healthy relationship with your business in particular, and with business in general.

During Session 3 you’ll:

  • Learn a simple, ancient Sufi practice for accessing your heart — stepping out of overwhelm and fear, and returning to love and connection.
  • Discover how to access your Jewel, the spiritual gift and presence that is placed in your heart — the source of you, and your business’, natural attraction.
  • Take the weight off of finding your “Divine calling” and learn to let your business be what it is, so there can be a sense of lightness and joy.

Healing your relationship with business is one aspect. The other is money, and that’s why we move next into Session 3.

Session 4

Live call:
January 30, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Healing Your Relationship with Money

Nearly everyone has money issues and there’s a reason for it: the way money is used in the modern world is deeply dysfunctional. At the same time, you need to have a healthy relationship with what is. Because your business deals in money, let’s heal your relationship with money and face issues of abundance head-on.

Session 4 will dig into:

  • The very surprising answer to whether you can charge money for your gifts (you can’t), but why you can receive plenty of money through your business.
  • Understanding that abundance, energy, has 4 different flows, and it’s easy to be in the wrong flow for a particular situation.
  • Transforming your relationship not only to money, but to so many aspects of the world around you.

Healing your relationships with business and money doesn’t mean challenges won’t come up. Which is why you need Session 4.

Client Experience: Francesca Jackson

There’s a lot of business advice out there that makes it ALL spiritual, and makes it easy to feel that if you said bippity boppity boo, like they told you to, and everything didn’t fall into place immediately, that there is some great lack within you. It is always so refreshing when Mark refutes those perspectives.
I love the grounded and real-life-practicality in the way the material is approached. 
Really, it all worked for me. Some of the material was so profound that I wished I had more time to digest it and go deeper with it. At the same time, given that I had such a workload at the same time that I did it, the amount that was presented was exactly the right amount. I never felt overwhelmed, really, which was quite remarkable to me.

– Francesca Jackson, The Heart of Your Business past participant

Integration Week

NO Live call:
Week of July 19, 2022

Integration Week

If you’re like most people you’re fitting this course into an already busy life AND this course is introducing potentially life-changing or otherwise transformational perspectives. A little extra time to integrate, catch your breath, and take it all in is incredibly helpful. We’ve built in an extra week to sink in and review the work. Some extra time to get it all done.

No additional content, no live call. Spaciousness. You will receive some guidance on how to spend this week, so it’s not just blank space.

Session 5

Live call:
February 6, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Discerning the difference between spiritual wounds and business issues

Many times people say that a spiritual issue is blocking them in business, when in fact they just didn’t understand how to explain what they do clearly, or how to hold a sales conversation. On the other hand, I’ve watched spiritual clearings open the door to amazing business results. How do you discern if it’s a spiritual issue or if you just need to do something differently?

In this class you’ll learn:

  • The relationship between the spiritual and the physical, as the Sufis see it.
  • Key symptoms for how business issues manifest, as well as a list of foundational business skills to help you discern if you’re lacking knowledge, experience or effectiveness in a particular situation.
  • How spiritual issues manifest within business, and the 3 elements of spiritual healing as understood by the Sufis.

The first half of this course will have set you up to walk with your business better equipped than most business owners. Now, let’s dig into that most critical of business bugaboos, Marketing.

Session 6

Live call:
February 13, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

The 3 Journeys of Marketing

“Just get out there,” is a phrase you might hear, or tell yourself, but where in the heck is “out there?” And how will it help your business? Marketing is often seen as a “thing” that you just “do,” but that’s not really true. Not only are there different categories of marketing (or Journeys, as we call them), but there is a deeper reason marketing is needed. Without an understanding of its true job, marketing can easily feel gross or intrusive.

During this session, you’ll learn:

  • The true purpose of marketing (which is NOT attraction.)
  • The role of spiritual connection in marketing.
  • What someone needs in order to become a client, which many entrepreneurs miss, and thus miss out on many clients.
  • The single most underestimated element in enrolling a client.
  • The 3 different Journeys of marketing, so that you can understand how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that feels good to your heart.

Marketing is a big piece of what you need, but it’s not everything. There is actually a detailed list of what a business needs to be healthy and succeed. Wouldn’t it be great to actually know what those things are?

Session 7

Live call:
February 20, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

What a business needs to succeed

Some businesses succeed wildly, some limp along kinda doing okay, and others crash and burn. What does a business need to truly succeed? Bringing together the learning and insights from the previous 5 weeks, the holistic picture of what it takes to be successful will bring a grounded sense of optimism and compassion to your journey by removing unrealistic expectations, and bringing clarity to the road ahead.

During Session 7 you’ll:

  • Understand why competition is so important to the success of your business.
  • How the preceding weeks create a big picture for the journey to business success.
  • Gain clarity on what kind of commitments are asked of you in order to be successful.
  • Explore the nitty gritty aspects of your business, including understanding how many clients you really need.

People will tell you to “just do it!” asking you to make a commitment to your business before you really know what you’re committing to. No wonder it’s hard to follow through! Once you know the commitment that is being asked, then you can make that commitment in a real way, one that will carry you through the hills and valleys until you arrive at business success.

Session 8

Live call:
February 27, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Making the Commitment

So often people want a business, but don’t make the commitment to what it really takes. Can you make a compassionate, heart-full, aligned commitment to your business? This is more than a commitment to work, it’s a commitment to a precious being that can bloom into a substantial venture, caring for you for years to come.

We’ll dig in with:

  • Understanding that your business has a separate heart and beingness from you, which is how it can carry you in the first place.
  • How to communicate with the heart of your business, listening to it and learning from it.
  • Making the decision: Is being a business owner your path? Can your heart make the full commitment?

By the end of these sessions, you’ll have what many people in business are missing: a true understanding of what business is, what it means, and what it takes, from both a spiritual perspective and the nitty-gritty. You’ll be equipped for the long haul to get what you need and support your business into a real flow through to momentum.

You can see for yourself how these topics will give you a strong foundation to walk forward on. You’ll be able to travel far and well, and you’ll really understand how and why your business will be successful.

Session 9

Live call:
March 5, 2024
2:30pm Eastern

Final Week – Wrap-up & Next Steps Call

This will be the final call for the program. It always ends up being a beautiful call, where we cover some very specific topics, including:

  • How to keep going, and not let this just be a “high” experience that fades into the past.
  • Supporting you in integrating the material into your heart.
  • Finding concrete next steps.

Plus, Mark always offers a Sufi blessing on the businesses of all those in the program. This is something people find themselves going back to again and again for nourishment.

We’ll tighten any loose ends, connect any unconnected dots, and answer final questions about the material, implementation and next steps to support your business.

Client Experience: Sally Stanton

Overall, I was very pleased by the experience and feel like I am just beginning to really integrate what I learned. I am amazed at how deep this work is, and how skilled Mark is at establishing a connection with hundreds of people. He is clearly doing his spiritual work, and it shows. I appreciated being able to observe him being a teacher as well as being a student. It made me feel more confident about my ability to do similar work teaching online courses outside of the university.

The content was amazing. Everything was exactly what I needed right now. The heart of money, the remembrance, The four stages of business, and a master checklist were all particularly helpful.

You guys do a great job, and you’re incredibly responsive. Everything you do makes me feel cared for and loved. Thank you so much. That makes it much easier to continue on the path, knowing that you guys have my back.
– Sally Stanton, The Heart of Your Business past participant

In addition to the full richness of the program, we have two bonuses that we’re going to give you, because we think it will enhance your experience:

Bonus 1

Partnering! PDF

How to get the most out of working with a buddy or colleague, without driving each other crazy. Two things are true – business issues can be really hard to face alone and working with a buddy can be amazing… or it can go horribly wrong if certain dynamics in the give-and-take crop up.

I wrote a guidebook to support you when partnering with others to work through this, or any, material. Having a buddy or friend can make working with these materials so much easier, and this guide will help ensure success with the process.

Bonus 2

Unveiling Your Jewel Video Class

Your jewel is the essence of how marketing works. Your customers don’t just want your product or service, they want what your heart has to give them. If you can fill your own heart, and understand what you truly bring, then you can just watch it unfold. Because it is so valuable, and beautiful, it’s called the “Jewel.”

Now, let’s talk about what will make this program successful.

We’ve taught hundreds and hundreds of online courses to thousands of people. We’ve tweaked and iterated what works. And this is why we’ve created the program to include these pieces:

Nine live calls

PrintThe live calls will give you an opportunity to hear the from me live, fresh and real, and there will be opportunities to ask lots of questions.

These calls are scheduled on the following Tuesdays at 2:30PM Eastern time and last approximately one hour.

January 9, 16, 23, 30  | February 6, 13, 20, 27 |  March 5

The Heart of Your Business nine week program

How much time should you schedule to do this work each week?

It really depends on the person, and whether or not you decide to partner with a colleague or friend. If you give a bare minimum time to attend calls, look through the material and do some of the exercises – probably about 3 hours each week. However, sometimes folks will go particularly deep, or the material will set off a process of looking into the corners of one’s business and then it can take more time.

It’s totally okay to give it the time that you actually have available, without pressuring yourself. Everything is downloadable, so you can continue to work with the material long after the class is complete.

Recordings and transcripts of all the live classes

HOB_WhichIsIt_Icons_2016_0301a_HeadphonesThe video recording, the audio recording, and the transcription of each live class will be available, as well as teaching materials beyond the live classes.

It’s a rich experience to be on the live calls. Yet, we understand that not everyone can make every class. People have lives! Previous commitments, time zone nuttiness, sometimes you get sick. It’s not necessary to be live on every class.

We have a real commitment to making the recordings available by early the day after the call.

So relax, sit back, and know that you can engage with this course at your own speed.

PDFTranscripts of each class

Every recording will have a written transcript, so you can read through and find what you need. We’ll be using an automated transcript service, so the transcripts will be “raw”- unedited, and may include some hilarious typos. But, you’ll have them quickly!

Additional resources that go along with many of the classes

Most of the topics have additional articles or videos that deepen or expand the teaching topic.

We really want you to both get each topic quickly and efficiently, and also to be able to dive more deeply where you feel called to.

Weekly Check-Ins To Get More Questions Answered

1-2-3-listFor each class there will be an online form to check-in with us before class. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on your experiences, share your challenges, and ask any questions you might have.

It may sound like “homework,” but we know from instructional design and adult education principles that the process of checking in is a powerful, results-generating exercise. It ensures that you take the time to reflect on what you’ve learned during the week, helping you retain and integrate much, much more of what you’ve learned.

What’s more, it’s a place for you to ask more questions, beyond the time in the live calls.

Written Answers to Questions you Submit

PrintWith so many participants connecting, awakening and asking important questions throughout this course, it will be impossible to answer everyone’s questions during the calls themselves.

That’s why each week in your check-ins you’ll be asking any questions that have come up for you. We’ll collect the questions and answer as many of them as we can in writing, with all participants having access to the Q&As (with names removed for confidentiality).

Questions that are similar, I’ll bring together and answer collectively. Unique questions that come up, I’ll answer as many of them as I can in-depth. And you’ll get all of the written answers on a Q&A page.

Client Experience: Sandra Griffith

I really enjoyed the course. It really opened my eyes in so many ways. Every aspect of the course was great and there were certain areas that really strongly resonated and were so incredibly helpful. Like discerning between spirtual wounds and business issues. This was so deeply emotional for me as I looked back at some of my childhood traumas and was able to to make the connection about why I struggle to move forward in certain areas. It was a breakthrough!

I had a very very positive experience with the course material. It was very in depth and challenged me in a gentle way to look past my insecurities. It also educated me in ways that other programs costing much much more have not done. It was very much a “how to guide” that delivered.

Again, a wonderfully unique program. Once again Mark you over-delivered.

– Sandra Griffith, The Heart of Your Business past participant

An optional “Buddy System” That Gives You Safe, Compassionate Support When You Need It Most

PartnerOne of the most powerful components of the Heart of Your Business course is the buddy system, where you will connect with other participants between each of our group meetings for compassionate support in going through the exercises and assignments.

Instead of just learning information, you will gain an entire supportive community to cheer you on through your most challenging money issues. We won’t let you fall down!

Many participants say this is the most profound part of the class.

We’ll be giving you a detailed guide for how to work with your partners based on years of facilitating partner exercises.

Question: Just how does the partnering thing work?

First, know that you can attend the live class and opt out of the partnering if you choose. We don’t recommend it, but you are totally welcome to engage with the rest of the course materials, coaching time, and Q&A without partnering.

All participants will be placed into three largish geographical groups so that partners won’t be too far separated by time zones. Within each group you will be placed on a rotating chart, so that you remain with the same partner for 4 weeks at a time.

Rotating partners accomplishes three things. First, it allows you to get to know at least two other members of the class, which makes it safer, and gives you people to reach out to during the course. Second, it means if you don’t click perfectly with one person you aren’t with them the entire time. And yet if you do click, you can reach out and maintain a deeper relationship with them.

Finally, we’ve seen people go on to create mastermind support groups after the course ends, some of which have lasted for years. By getting to know at least a couple of people in the course, you just might find some mastermind partners.

We’ve heard over and over again that the Divine somehow orchestrates the pairings, and that each partner ends up being the perfect match. And, at the very least, having a witness and someone holding the space means that you can go much more deeply into the exercises.

Many people report that without the partner exercises, they may not have gotten the breakthroughs and insights they did as quickly as they did.

That “Pay From The Heart Thing”

Most simply, Pay From The Heart is a collaborative process where we are clear about what sustains us, and you check in with your heart and arrive at a payment that you can support, that won’t harm you.

I’ve seen people struggle with sliding scales and pay-what-you-want pricing. For us, it’s a way to truly welcome in folks who really couldn’t afford it otherwise.

Our economic system is far from fair. Yet all of our hearts and creativity are needed now. If you need this help, we want you to have it.

What other people charge.

Others with similarly structured courses have charged anywhere from $250 to $1500. In the context of these kinds of offers, if you went somewhere else, that’s what you could expect to pay.

The gift here is that if you truly couldn’t take this course at our sustainable (see below) price, this is a path of true welcome for you to join us.

And, if you are in a situation where you have more, and contributing more feels good to you, that supports us in making space for those who truly cannot.

What we’re asking and one small boundary.

There are two numbers we’re going to put out there for your consideration.

The first number is US$500 as the sustainable price. If you can meet that or more, in a single payment or two payments of $250, that allows us to both sustain our service, and open the door to folks who truly can’t pay that.

The second number is US$280, as the minimum requested payment. It is Pay From the Heart, and it has to agree with our heart and work for our business as well as your own. Our hearts just didn’t feel good lower than $280, nor can we continue to show up for you if many pay less than this.

The “food or shelter” exception. We know that some people are in really hard spots. If paying $280 (or two payments of $140) is going to put your food or shelter at risk, we invite you to pay less. This is also true if you live in an economy where the exchange rate with US currency means $280 is an absurdly large amount of money for you.

We want you to be able to join us.

If you can pay US$500, even if it’s a stretch, please do. If the stretch feels like it would break you, or cause you to walk away, then please let your heart find a price between $500 and $280.

If you don’t have access to even $280 (or two payments of $140), if it would put your stability at risk, then, and only then, do we invite you, truly with an open heart, to pick a number lower than $280.

How it works.

First, decide if you are going to join us. Feel the possibilities of what this kind of support would mean to you, your heart, and your business.

Second, if you decide “Yes,” check where your heart and finances are in the pricing according to what we described just above. Take time to both think about the reality of your financial situation and to sense into your heart what number you can truly manage.

Registration for the 2024 cohort is now closed.

When you register, here’s what you get:

HOB_Course_Logo_2016_0620b_FNL_webThe Heart of Your Business Program

Total of nine calls:

Session 1: Get Started Introduction & Big Picture Call
Session 2: What Is Business
Session 3: Healing Your Relationship with Business
Session 4: Healing Your Relationship with Money
Session 5: Discerning the difference between spiritual wounds and business issues
Session 6: The 3 Journeys of Marketing
Session 7: What a business needs to succeed
Session 8: Making the Commitment
Session 9: Final Call – Wrap-Up & Next Steps Call

In 2024, all calls will be held on Tuesday’s at 2:30 PM Eastern and last about one hour.
January 9, 16, 23, 30  | February 6, 13, 20, 27 |  March 5

You’ll want to budget 3 – 6 hours to work with the material each week.

partnering-picjewelTwo Bonus Segments

  • Unveiling Your Jewel
  • Partnering PDF

HOB_WhichIsIt_Icon_Audio_2016_0302aRecordings of all live Sessions

PDFPDF Transcripts of all Live calls

HOB_WhichIsIt_Icon_Video_2016_0302aAdditional Resources

Available for many of the sessions.

1-2-3-listWeekly Check-ins

So you can get more of your questions answered.

PrintWritten Answers to Questions

PartnerPartnering with other Participants

Pay From the Heart Options

Two payment options:

You can choose to pay in either one payment or two. If you choose the two payment option, the first payment is now, and the second will happen automatically in 30 days.

Our sustainable price is US$500. Our minimum is $280. You are welcome to pay less than $280 if your food and shelter is at risk.

Make Two Equal Payments

One payment now, then a 2nd payment in one month. (You’ll set the amount after you click the buy button.)

Make One Payment

One payment of the heart now. (You’ll set the amount after you click the buy button.)

2020 enrollment is closed. Next course will be mid-2021.

 Cancellations and Special Payments Requests policy

We have poured our hearts into this program to make it comprehensive with a LOT of support while also making it as inexpensive as possible. We’ve seen other programs charge high prices for similar content, and yet we feel great about offering this at Pay from the Heart pricing.

One thing that adds a lot of hidden costs to a program are administrative costs. Someone will ask for what seems like a simple thing, like a special payment plan, not realizing that hours of administrative time can be quickly eaten up.

So, after a lot of prayer and discussion, here’s our policy for this program:

Cancellations: You can cancel the program prior to January 9, 2024, and we will refund your money in full. If you want to cancel on or after January 9, we will stop any future payments (if you choose two payments). We cannot refund any payments already charged after January 9. We need at least 2 business days’ notice in advance of the charge being processed to give us time to stop the charge.

Custom/extended payment plans: We cannot offer any payment plans other than what you see on this page because of the work and administrative tracking.

Refunds: We are happy to offer refunds for the program on or prior to January 9. However, we won’t offer any refunds after this time.  We can stop your second payment (if you chose two payments) if you want to leave the program before that second payment is charged. We need at least 2 business days’ notice (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Eastern) in advance of the charge being processed to give us time to stop the charge.

I know these are strong positions to take, and we’ve only come to this conclusion after spending literally hundreds, thousands, of dollars in administrative hours to provide custom arrangements for clients.

We’re trusting you get the sincerity of our intentions here, and encourage you to combine strength and compassion in your own business.

Your business is precious to you.

Of course it is. It’s likely full of hopes and dreams of giving your gift, of helping people, and of making a living doing it. You should be fierce in protecting that which comes from your heart. If you choose to let us help you, we are humbled by that trust.

If you think maybe this program is what you need, but you’re not quite sure, please ask. We don’t want an unasked question or unexpressed concern to keep you from getting clarity for yourself, whether Yes or No. Please reach out.

Use the form below and we’ll get back to you quickly.

Note: If it would truly harm you to pay our minimum, and you need to pay less to participate, you do not need to ask if it’s okay. We really trust you.

Questions? Ask’em! Anything that comes up for you, just ask.

Question about the Heart of Your Business Program