Can every act of business be an act of love, and still be effective?

Integrity. Love. Spirit. Can we do business, profitably, without leaving these behind?

Maybe you’ve contemplated starting a business or becoming self-employed. Maybe you’ve already started, but are in the early stages, and you’re just wondering what in the heck it takes to make it work.

Maybe you’ve even been in business for awhile, yet it still seems like a strange creature, foreign to your heart and your deepest desires.

Making a business successful requires all kinds of things. But perhaps the deepest it requires is a true understanding of how you can be in business from the heart.

The Heart of Your Business program will teach you how to ensure your business can succeed and have a healthy, spirit-centered relationship with the marketplace.

money2Best news is about the price

I’ve led this program before and charged hundreds of dollars. For several reasons, we’ve decided to offer this upcoming training at Pay-From-the-Heart pricing! Which means exactly that: you set your own price.

There are more details about the program and the pricing, but if this sounds good to you, please add your name so we can get you the details.

If you are looking to finally have peace in your relationship to business, then join us and sign up below. Our heart-based, practical teachings will help you to have your feet on the ground, and your heart open in this world of business. I want you to succeed, on terms that make your heart happy.