Now enrolling for class starting Oct. 1, 2018! (Enrollment deadline – Sept. 26, 2018)

Is there a way to bring in the clients and money you need without compromising your heart?

You want to do what you love and be of service in the world from a place of real generosity.

But does a lack of clients and money cause a real heaviness to come in around your business? Do survival fears kick in when clients and money aren’t there? Have you ever felt paralyzed because, well… what do you do about the lack of clients and money?

We’ve all been there, where fear for our survival obscures the tender and giving nature of our hearts. And wondering not only when and how your business will make money, but if that heaviness and fear will ever go away…

Whether you’re new in your business or in a longer-term struggle with it, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can make a profit while making a difference, and stay connected to your heart and your values.

We’ve helped clients like:

  • Jacqueline, a new Feldenkrais practitioner, who was starting from scratch trying to get clients.
  • Tami, a business coach who was successful but doing things in a way that didn’t feel good to her heart.
  • Kim, a healer who works with parents and families and had struggled for awhile to bring clients

Getting the right help can make a huge difference. You don’t have to abandon your heart to make it work.

So, what happened for Jacqueline, Tami and Kim?

Jacqueline, in her first year of applying Heart of Business principles, began to have a really consistent flow of clients, and started making more money than she had ever made in her life. What’s more, she knew how to bring more clients in when she needed to.

Tami put into practice what she learned from us and booked over $12,000 in new clients within a few weeks. She did this while staying deeply connected in her own heart, without having to give up who she was.

Kim had both a spiritual opening and success she had never seen before: a workshop with only one person enrolled became so over-enrolled that they had to cap sign-ups at 30 people.

We invite you to learn what you need to learn to start bringing in more clients and getting paid what you’re worth. We’ve been working with entrepreneurs like you since 2001, and in our years in business have helped thousands of people make a lot more money in a way that felt good to them, connected and in alignment with their values and their hearts.


F1: Clients and Money

Five and a half months to more clients and getting paid.

When you’re struggling and there’s a million things to do, a huge piece of the heaviness is how do you choose what to work on? Your website? Your book? Nope, neither of those. Yes, your website is important. But it can wait just a few months.

When you’re struggling to bring money in, here are the three things that consistently help people across the board:

  • Having a way to answer “So, what do you do?” easily, succinctly, and in a way that brings you the right people, without causing folks to go all glassy-eyed.
  • How to talk to interested people in a way that they end up buying, without manipulation, without hype. This includes naming your price with confidence, among other things.
  • Being able to ask for referrals without weirdness, so the clients who do come in send more your way.

If you have these three things in place, then you have the basics that allow you to do more. We’ve seen too many people spend a lot of time and money on things that are really important for a business…later. But because they didn’t have these three things in place, they ended up struggling to just make ends meet, and then having to re-do their website anyway.

How would it be to feel confident, light-hearted, and grounded going into a conversation with a potential client, and having them say “Yes!” and pay you, without any struggle or push? Can you imagine how it might feel not to be triggered by issues around money?

Then, with the money that you have from your paying clients, you can go get your website done, or hire that assistant, or whatever it is that you know you need to do, but haven’t been able to get to easily.

Who is this course for?

  • This course is ideal for people who are just getting started. If you’re brand-new in business, the skills and mind/heart-set taught in this course are exactly what you need to get your feet under you and your first paying clients in the door.

Who else?

  • People who have been in business awhile and, for whatever reason, need to get the basics in place. It’s very possible for you to be in business for some time and have been fortunate enough to have a stream of clients from a specific referral source or maybe a big client that supported you for awhile. But that’s dried up and you realize you never learned these basics on how to get clients that aren’t handed to you.

Either way, you know it’s time to put these basics into place so that your business can continue to flourish in more sustainable ways.

Client Experience: Jasmine Sky 

Attracting higher paying clients

I will be forever indebted to you for the very essential work that you do at Heart of Business and in this class. YES! IT WORKS!

I entered this class with a long and deep issue of not being able to be ‘comfortable’ with my prices. I had been working with a healer for a year on abundance issues, but I was at a place where I felt like I was hitting up against a brick wall over and over again.

I entered thinking that you were using different language to describe the ‘sales conversation’ just to jolt us out of our ‘issues’. I immediately realized that you were using different language because the ‘sales conversation’ for you was a real relationship and a real conversation with another human being that you wanted to treat as you would be treated.

My challenge in my business was that my product is naturally upscale but, because I was so essentially uncomfortable with my prices, I was not able to attract the right customer – someone who could and would pay my prices. On this end of the course I am miraculously feeling ABSOLUTELY comfortable with my prices!

I am attracting customers who have higher budgets to work with me. Alleluia!!!

I am so grateful for this class. The work you are doing is so rooted in integrity that it is making a new way possible for each one of us. Your work is a blessing on this planet with it’s dysfunctional economy.

Showering you all with blessings of peace and love.

-Jasmine Sky,


Client Experience: Jasmine Sky 

Attracting higher paying clients

I will be forever indebted to you for the very essential work that you do at Heart of Business and in this class. YES! IT WORKS!

I entered this class with a long and deep issue of not being able to be ‘comfortable’ with my prices. I had been working with a healer for a year on abundance issues, but I was at a place where I felt like I was hitting up against a brick wall over and over again.

I entered thinking that you were using different language to describe the ‘sales conversation’ just to jolt us out of our ‘issues’. I immediately realized that you were using different language because the ‘sales conversation’ for you was a real relationship and a real conversation with another human being that you wanted to treat as you would be treated.

My challenge in my business was that my product is naturally upscale but, because I was so essentially uncomfortable with my prices, I was not able to attract the right customer – someone who could and would pay my prices. On this end of the course I am miraculously feeling ABSOLUTELY comfortable with my prices!

I am attracting customers who have higher budgets to work with me. Alleluia!!!

I am so grateful for this class. The work you are doing is so rooted in integrity that it is making a new way possible for each one of us. Your work is a blessing on this planet with it’s dysfunctional economy.

Showering you all with blessings of peace and love.

-Jasmine Sky,

Is Your Heart Feeling Heavy Trying to Bring in Clients and Money?

Taking a Stand For Your Business Development

Learning can only happen in a very specific “learning zone.” If you are pushed too hard and too fast, the discomfort, newness and lack of integration time means that you risk going into your panic zone, where nothing sticks, and you come out the other side without any learning, but with plenty of trauma. Yucko.

However, if you stay too safe and too comfortable, then you don’t learn anything new. You stagnate, and nothing changes for you or your business. Also, taking a loooong time means that the financial struggle lasts that loooong, too.

After more than a 16 years and literally thousands of students and clients, we at Heart of Business know how to push you just enough, while giving you the spiritual and emotional support (yes, that means love and care and more love) to feel safe, cared-for, and nourished. That means you stay in your learning zone and see real changes in your business.

We’ve put together a program built on elements that we’ve provided to thousands of business owners over the years. It’s simple, and surrounds you, like a comfortable blanket, and which supports you like, well, like a strong foundation.

Mark, the founder of Heart of Business, struggled too

In 2001, financially things were a bit of a mess. Not only was I, Mark, just starting a new business, but I was carrying debt. Plus my wife Holly was chronically ill and hardly working. It was all up to me.

I had to bring in cash and clients quickly, and I did my best. Almost all of my attention was on how to make the bills. My first year in business I didn’t really make enough, but we scraped by.

I share this with you because when you’re either new, or your business is struggling, money and clients tend to obscure most other things. Which is not how you really want it to be.

It took me about 3-4 years before things were really stable and we were consistently making a good living, meaning more than six figures a year, and keeping most of it for our personal income.

You don’t have to struggle as long as I did trying to figure things out.

Client Experience:
Narelle Carter-Quinlan

  • There is something truly valuable in traveling deeply, rather than broadly. Staying with the one journey and immersing in the whole landscape that this offers. This is what I’ve experienced with Mark and Heart of Business all year. It began in January… Such generosity in this material, it blew me away! Opening out a different perspective, one much more aligned with my own spiritual knowing, and one that felt genuine, loving and true… it just never ceases. This learning, this expansion. And by the way, apart from the huge shift in perspective and a beautiful, truly heartfelt pathway to follow, my income doubled over this past 10 months. Just like that.

    Narelle Carter-Quinlan
    Narelle Carter-Quinlan

Client Experience:
Sarah Barlow

  • Since I started in March, I have worked with 14 new clients. Seven of them have become regulars or continuing students. As of today, these new clients have brought in thousands of dollars. I have started to put into place new offers and pricing (which I think is going to be my godsend!). While, I was updating my website with this info, my new packages accidentally went live before I got everything else up (I’m still working on the rest), and I booked a new client at the new rate. This has been my biggest point of celebration. I am also starting to see the quality of my clients shifting. People who are more self-aware, and who already value this kind of work are finding me. It’s been keeping me fresh in my practice, and I am really enjoying where this is going.

    Sarah Barlow
    Sarah Barlow

Five powerful elements in one coordinated program.

The first 2 elements have been independent programs in the past, but really needed to be put together. The descriptions are necessarily brief on this page, but each has a link to a full course description so you can get more details.

The program begins with an orientation/introduction/get you started session. It will help guide you through these five elements.

1. The One Compelling Sentence

First: The One Compelling Sentence

One of the biggest barriers to getting clients is not being able to say what you do, without boring people or scaring them off.

In 8 short video segments (with a short, easy-to-digest workbook, and one exercise per segment) you’ll walk through a really different way to do this, including moving through what stands in your way of being simple and clear.

Forget “clever and hypey” and instead have a grounded, direct way that makes sense and pulls people toward you.

  • I’m not sure how you make marketing so enjoyable and enriching, but you do!

    Rose Long
2. Sacred Selling

Second: Sacred Selling

You get to be yourself, no scripts needed (except one simple, natural-sounding question to ask at a specific point in the conversation), and your best clients easily say Yes, and have fun talking to you.

This course includes how to craft your offer so it sells itself, and how to price yourself with confidence. People rave about this course.

Plus! Recordings of successful conversations that you can hear, and teachings on how to ask for referrals.

Is Your Heart Feeling Heavy Trying to Bring in Clients and Money?
  • I wanted to let you know I used your strategy [FROM SACRED SELLING] when I held an Introduction class this week. It worked! I had one person sign up on the spot for the 6 week course without offering a discount. very cool. I have learned many helpful things that I am able to apply to my business right now. They have proved helpful in generating revenue immediately. Thank you!

    Cherie Ray
    Cherie Ray True You Creativity
3. Coaching and Feedback

Third: Living Coaching and Written Feedback

We promise “every question answered.”

First, there’s two live coaching calls each month, that are also recorded, with questions listed so you know what was covered.

Then, in case you don’t get time on a live call, when you turn in your assignment each week you can ask any question, describe any situation in your business, and get a written response from us. Plus, there’s a library of past responses available by topic.

4. Spiritual Support

Fourth: Profound Spiritual Support

More than just learning information, your heart has to be happy, at-ease, and full of love to help clients feel at ease with you. Part of what we provide are simple spiritual practices and resources that anyone of any faith, or none at all, can follow.

We have live guided Remembrance calls every week, and a library of more than 100 of these Remembrances on many different topics to help you through difficult spots.

Plus, six times a year, we a lead 24 hour Virtual Retreats, just to help you deepen healing in the realm of business.

Is Your Heart Feeling Heavy Trying to Bring in Clients and Money?
5. Community of Practice

Fifth: A Heart-Centered Community Of Practice

Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, and hard to be accountable to get hard things done. For those who choose, we pair you with other participants, which is where traditionally the biggest breakthroughs happen.

We also provide weekly Action Calls for compassionate accountability, as well as an emotionally safe, private, and facilitated Facebook group.

Imagine a community of like-hearted business owners who can help you implement what you’re learning!

Is Your Heart Feeling Heavy Trying to Bring in Clients and Money?

Did we mention FUN?

One of things that makes everyone on our team happiest is when we hear from a client that not only did they become more effective and have clients and money coming in, but that they were having fun doing it!

You know how much you love doing what you do? Doing your business can feel that nourishing, too. Working on your business can be a fun and open-hearted experience. What’s more, it’s MUCH easier to be successful when it’s fun.

You’ll work hard, but you’ll have fun, too.

Joselito Laudencia - Client Experience

I’ve achieved a lot more consistency in my business.

A couple of recent months have been my best income months ever. The program has more than paid for itself.

If I could go back in time, I wish I could go back and start with this program. It was more affordable and got me to create the foundation that I was really needing, and didn’t really know it.

One of the real refreshing pieces of this program was being able to embrace spirituality as business.

Dr. Amina Aitsi-Selmi - Client Experience

When I found Heart of Business, it was like a whole new world opened up.

Understanding what selling is and how it can be healing and a form of loving was such a big release that enabled me to step into business with confidence, clarity and even joy!

I enrolled my first four clients pretty much within a month.

I hit my income target within the first month.

 Sounds great, but five and a half months?

calendarYup. Heart of Business has always taken a stand for sanity in business. Out in the world you can find lots of promises of “big changes in just 4 weeks!” but that’s crazy. The truth is that it takes time to learn, to integrate, and to implement.

We’ll be even more honest: at the end of five and a half months, you may not feel like you’ve totally mastered what’s in here. Thankfully, you don’t have to.

You just need to be effective.

Mastery takes years. We’ve mastered these elements and we teach them. However, you don’t have to master them, you just need to be effective.

We’ve seen countless examples of people who have made two or three big shifts in each of the courses, or implemented just a part of what we’ve taught, imperfectly, and still seen results.

You can make a tremendous amount of progress in five and a half months. Enough to see great results, to get your feet under you, to see clients and money coming in. And then you can continue to improve and grow long after the five and a half months are over.

Of course, we have other programs available to support your growth beyond F1: Clients and Money, if that makes sense for you. But… first things first, right?

Wanna backstage pass?

Let our Director of Education Steve Mattus give you a guided tour to what the program looks like once you enroll.

Client Experience: Christine Fisher 

I just finished your Sacred Selling course and want to share that it was exactly what we needed in our business.

We had completed other marketing training previously and have worked hard to build our business. But despite understanding the mechanics of selling on an intellectual level were still weak in sales conversations. We lacked confidence and weren’t sure how to get the kind of agreement we needed and wanted. For some reason selling just felt icky.

We’re in business to help people and we don’t want to feel like we’re pushing ourselves on anybody, persuading or manipulating. Plus, what we were doing just wasn’t always working and if we don’t figure out how to get paid well and consistently then it’s hard to keep going.

As a result of this course we had our first sales meeting with a prospective client that truly felt comfortable and fun. Granted, this was a prospect who was well affiliated with us, but there was something new. A new level of ease and confidence with the understanding of new subtleties about what was really happening on a heart level during this conversation.

The clients wrote back right after the call to tell us how they felt “a weight had been lifted” by our conversation. We felt appreciated and fulfilled to be able to give in a real and meaningful way. They easily agreed to the work we proposed to do together for their new website.

I can say that I have a new love and appreciation for sales and I feel that the content of this course has been well integrated for me so that I truly feel I know it. The course material was a joy to read and the sessions completely captivated my attention, making me think and feel in new ways not only about selling but about spirituality, my self, and relationships in general.

– Christine Fisher

This is *NOT* a Self-Study Course…

This program is available “evergreen,” as they say. Evergreen means that there is no launch date, there is no “too late.” You enroll when you need it.

This is a live program, not an “on-your-own” home study. Teaching elements are recorded: audio, video and written, and are combined with a live call almost every week (we do take vacation over the winter holidays), as well as two live coaching calls each month, and live partnering support, your written questions answered every week, and a very active Heart of Business team to help you stay engaged, learning, and implementing.  You’ll want to reserve 5-8 hours (average) each week to spend working through the course material, attending calls, engaging in partnering, etc.  

When you realize you need to increase your clients and money and this program is the way you want to do it, you enroll. Then, on the first Monday of the following month, you begin your five and a half month journey of business growth and development.

Schedule of Calls

These are the key times you want to be available if possible. NOTE: ALL calls are recorded, so it’s okay to miss some. It’s easy to catch up if you can’t make it live.

All calls are listed in Pacific time.

  • Live Remembrance Calls – Every Monday at 12:00 Noon (Call lasts 15 minutes)
  • Action Calls – Every Wednesday at 1:00 – 1:40 PM (Call lasts 20-40 minutes)
  • Coaching Call Wednesday – 1st Wednesday after first Monday of each month at 2:30 – 3:30 PM
  • Coaching Call Thursday – 3rd Thursday after first Monday of each month at 11:00 – 12:00 PM

Normally programs have a start date, and so the urgency is partially the teachers’ urgency, and not necessarily your timing. This way your business needs are what drive your enrollment.

If you have *any* questions or concerns, please feel out the form at the bottom, and you can receive an answer by email, or we’ll have a conversation with you to help you get clear on what’s here.

Client Experience: Grahame Blackwell 

I am finding every one of these classes invaluable.

Each week I see my proposed offering becoming more real, more tangible. Every one of these weekly sessions has brought something new to my way of seeing, and offering, my product. I will definitely be studying every one of them again in detail. Thank you so much for such a wealth of insight. (And yes, you can quote me on that.)

I have found the material from these classes invaluable – and totally ‘common-sense’ – and expect to be able to make real use of all I have learned once I get properly under way with my business. (I’m also currently doing the ‘How to say what you do in one compelling sentence’ – and I find the real wisdom in that course also totally compelling!!

It’s raised considerations around selling that I’ve never thought about before, considerations that are clearly key to the whole process. It’s so refreshing to have such a spiritually-founded – and yet totally commonsense – perspective on this topic!”

– Grahame Blackwell,

Now enrolling for class starting Oct. 1, 2018! (Enrollment deadline – Sept. 26, 2018)

When you register, here’s what you get:

F1: Clients & Money Program

Path_to_SunsetGet Started introduction

We’re not just going to dump you in the deep end. We’ll orient you on how to get the most out of everything.

how-to-say-1How to Say What You Do In One Compelling Sentence

Includes healing your heart’s relationship to marketing, as well as a natural, no-script approach that opens the door to clients and referrals.

sacred-selling-plainSacred Selling Course

We’ll help you learn how to talk to potential clients with integrity and heart and still get paid. Including recordings of successful conversations, and other examples.

ReferralsSalesDiagramAsking for Referrals

Learn how to confidently and naturally turn one client into many, with an effective approach to getting referrals. Includes transcripts and recordings of successful conversations.

LightHouseEvery Question Answered plus Live Coaching

Written answers to every question you ask, plus two live group Coaching Calls per month and a weekly live group Action Calls:

  • 1st Weds of month 2:30 – 3:30 PM Pacific
  • 3rd Thurs of month 11:00 – 12:00 PM Pacific
  • Live “Action Calls” Every Weds at 1:00 PM Pacific

The program is yours forever.

You can listen to and download all teaching audio lessons, PDFs and coaching call recordings – so you can return to the material whenever you need it down the road.

HOB_Growing_Trees_2013_0925a-05Spiritual support resources

This includes:

  • Virtual Retreats every other month
  • Live Guided Remembrance calls weekly (Mondays, Noon Pacific)
  • A library of over 100 Guided Remembrances recordings, helping you through challenging business and emotional topics..
  • More!

Our Community of Practice.

Which includes business and spiritual resources, case studies, monthly business focus topics and support call (first Monday of each month, unless holiday).

Plus we have a very active private, secret Facebook group, facilitated by us, kept as a safe space to learn grow.

Current price: $1650.

The Clients & Money program is $1650 USD (6 payments of $275).

Two payment options:

(It costs the same, either way. No penalty for choosing the payment plan.)

Make Six Equal Payments

One payment of $275 USD now, then five following payments each month of $275 USD.

Make One Payment

One payment now, of $1650 USD. And that’s it, you’re fully paid up through the entire 5 1/2 month program.

Cancellations and Special Payments Requests

Here’s what’s often true: someone who is in the early stages of developing their business often needs a lot of help… just at the point where they don’t have a lot of money to spend.

We have poured our hearts into this program to make it comprehensive with a LOT of support while also making it as inexpensive as possible. We’ve seen other programs charge 3-10x as much as we’re charging, and yet we feel great about our pricing.

However,  to keep things affordable, we need to make it as easy on our administrative team as possible. Seemingly simple requests, like special payment plans, eat up hours of administrative time.

So, after a lot of prayer and discussion, here’s our policy for this Clients and Money program:

Cancellations: You can cancel the program at any time and we will stop your payments. We cannot refund any payments already charged. If you know that a payment is coming up, we need at least 2 business days notice to give us time to stop the charge.

Custom/extended payment plans: We cannot offer any payment plans other than what you see on this page because of the work and administrative tracking.

Refunds: As with Cancellations, we don’t give refunds. However, we can stop your payments if you want to leave the program before it finishes.

I know these are strong positions to take, and we’ve only come to this conclusion after spending literally hundreds, thousands, of dollars in administrative hours to provide custom arrangements for clients.

We’re trusting you get the sincerity of our intentions here, and encourage you to combine strength and compassion in your own business.

Your business is precious to you.

Of course it is. Hopes and dreams of giving your gift, of helping people, and of making a living doing it. You should be fierce in protecting that which comes from your heart. If you choose to let us help you, we are humbled by that trust.

If you think maybe this program is what you need, but you’re not quite sure, please ask. We don’t want an unasked question or unexpressed concern to keep you from getting clarity for yourself, whether Yes or No. Please reach out.

Use the form below and we’ll get back to you quickly. Or call us at 607.2697100, and if you get voice mail (we are a small company), we’ll get back to you..

Questions? Ask’em! Anything that comes up for you, just ask.

 More Client Experiences

I am starting to feel much clearer about what I have to offer and how to talk about it. More importantly, I can really see why my past efforts to connect with potential clients has not worked well. I now have compassion for where I was, and gratitude for what I am learning. This course is truly empowering me to connect to the world in a new way – and I feel I am changing because of it. I feel more confident and happy than I have ever before! So much gratitude.

Kendall Crosby

I am breaking through in so many ways, on so many levels…getting exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. truly enjoying and feeling supported by this program and really grateful that I made the spaciousness in my life to devote the time and energy to it that I am.

Lori Lovens –

I have so far listened to all the recordings of the past coaching calls available on the website (Clients and Money and Community). It is a very valuable resource. All resources are very helpful, like Monthly focus calls and articles, case studies, etc. I also enjoy and benefit from the partnering sessions very much.

I really have the feeling to have done a huge leap inside since the beginning of the program. I was thinking the other day that I reached farther than my destination, which was learning to talk about what I do, gain clarity about my business and feel comfortable about selling. This program is much more than that, it is for me a deeply nourishing spiritual journey.

I am totally happy about the investment I have made, it is really the best thing I could have done for my business and myself! I had also bought the home study version of Heart-centered websites and Writing articles. I have been working with the Heart centered website course to rewrite my website. I am spending quite a lot of time with Heart of Business teachings.

I deeply appreciate your caring and your kindness. I know that I can reach out to you if I need to and that you will be here for me. This is a great feeling. I must say that I do not feel alone any more on my business journey since I have started with the program and become a member of the HoB community.

Marielle Mercadier

The class has certainly brought my business from stalled to really busy. My biggest challenge is finding enough time to provide sessions for all the people who want them.

I’ve just done a count of the number of clients and sessions I had in January, compared to the number of clients and session in June.

In January I had 8 different clients and I did 12 one-hour sessions for those clients.

From mid-May to mid-June I had 24 different clients and I did 55 one-hour sessions for those clients.

Someone asked me whether I’d edited my website or done a whole heap of marketing, and I had to reply that I hadn’t actually done anything like that.

I can only put it down to the change in my own energy from really focusing on the business in such a lovely, heart-centred way, thanks to all the input from the Heart of Business team and my wonderful Foundations 1: Clients and Money partners.

Rose Haysom

Sarah-BarlowSince I started Foundations 1: Clients and Money in March, I have worked with 14 new clients. Seven of them have become regulars or continuing students. As of today, these new clients have brought in thousands of dollars.

I have started to put into place new offers and pricing (which I think is going to be my godsend!). While, I was updating my website with this info, my new packages accidentally went live before I got everything else up (I’m still working on the rest), and I booked a new client at the new rate. This has been my biggest point of celebration.

I am also starting to see the quality of my clients shifting. People who are more self-aware, and who already value this kind of work are finding me. It’s been keeping me fresh in my practice, and I am really enjoying where this is going.

Sarah Barlow –

The experience was eye-opening. It was amazing. I became more confident and comfortable and open about what I wanted to do and how to talk to people with comfort and confidence.

I then knew what my business was and how to do the business: The One Compelling Sentence, started me thinking deeply about my business and then along came the Sacred Selling Conversations and with it came the understanding of what my business is and who my business is and how my business wants to be helpful to my clients.

The course showed me how to be comfortable in talking with my Prospecting Clients. And, it also showed me a glimpse of what I still need to do with setting up my marketing system and calling to those that need my help.

Also, I have come to accept where I am now. Feeling good were I am in the present, instead of obsessing on where I want to be down the path, which drives me up the wall and does me no good in talking with people.

I am really excited and confident. All my preparations feel so right and have been and will continue to be fun and exciting.

I also feel grateful and appreciate the teachings, and the insights gained, and the great support that Mark and Steve and the other staff have provided during this course.

Pat Murphey

There were quite strong challenges in terms of huge old emotional items, blocks: fear to be turned out for example – several days challenging discomfort but with Remembrance I went through and I shifted into an advanced level of communication. My experience with this class was a basic healing – I’ve never felt like this.

Karin Stigler

Clare Maxwell

I have 2 new clients, both started at a rate lower than what I usually ask for. Both of those clients have expressed a clear understanding of the value of what they are receiving. One has expressed a willingness to pay more when she is earning more.

The other has just voluntarily raised her weekly rate as a response to a conversation we had about defining goals for her work (which I’ve started doing because of the Heart of Business emphasis on packages and breaking the material down into manageable chunks). She says my work with her is clarifying for her what she will and won’t spend time/money on. Now, she says she has to re-plan a few things, making our work together a priority.

I also have had a third return client, a student who I haven’t seen in 5 years. She actually requested to pay me more than my current rate!

Clare Maxwell –


The most priceless takeaway from this course is that 1) everything is already working out, and 2) I have nothing to worry about.

I had a HUGE shift in terms of relaxing my efforts and anxieties around being successful in my work (in the first week of the course actually), and have enjoyed this shift ever since.

“Oddly” enough, i have gotten more calls from potential clients (not all of which panned out, but that’s okay (see 1&2 above) and freed up a bunch of psychic energy for new ideas and inspirations.

I am celebrating all THIS EVERY DAY.

Tina Lilly –

MeganEverettEven though I feel I am just beginning. Mark taught me everything I need to know, and I will be working with this material for the rest of my life.

Imagine the power of being able to ask a specific question about an issue you are having with money or with business, and actually receiving the answer: not only an understanding, but also the specific next steps you should take to be successful.

Until the fear left me I did not know I was afraid of money. My whole life I have lived with anxiety and fear of BOTH not having enough money and of financial success. Up until now I was unconsciously pushing both money and success away from me.

The techniques and insights Mark shared in this course were absolutely pivotal in my leaving a “secure job” where my compensation package and job security were decreasing visibly day by day and launching the online business of my dreams.

I’ve invested a lot of time, money and energy in preparing for this transformation over many years. And I have tried many, many times before but always “failed to thrive” financially.

In the Heart of Money Mark Silver’s teachings brought my fears and ambivalence about money to the surface – and they immediately began to dissolve.

I am no longer afraid, and in less than two weeks after launching my website I have my first client. Not only is he a paying client, but his business is in complete alignment with my vision and my purpose in life! My heart is full!

Thank you Mark and the Heart of Business team!

Megan Everett –

Dear Mark –

Just finished your Sacred Selling Course and I am humbled, amazed and so very grateful!

The course is taught so simply, and transparently, so that I “got it” from the first day! I’m so excited and inspired to bring the Sacred into my Web Design and Communications work! Another gift.

There is plenty of time to integrate, practice and understand the materials and it was a pleasure to meet each partner! The synchronicity with each partner was profound and enlightening.

If any one has a problem selling, (who doesn’t?) :) then I highly recommend they take this course. It has set me on a path towards greater freedom, joy and realization that my gifts are important to share with the perfect clients that are attracted to my service. And it comes down to service. I realize now how important service is, and I’m so grateful to be able to do this every single day.

I made a $600 sale for services before completing the class! And it wasn’t a struggle at all. It was an easy, flowing client relationship that I hope to deepen through the years. Thank you!

Thanks so much Mark. Your gifts have been received so gratefully and I look forward to learning more from you in the future. Blessings!

Carole Cross

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