There’s a special Creating Heart-Centered Websites 4 product bundle offered May 23-28, 2024.

Is it really possible to have your website grow your business?

Is there a way to speed up the creation of an effective website, that still feels like you, and isn’t full of hype or manipulation?

If you do have a website, it’s probably sitting there, looking pretty. You’ve put your heart into having your site really reflect who you are… so where are the customers?

Or maybe you’ve been putting off creating a website in the first place. It seems as if there are so many decisions to make: what it needs to look like, what to write on which web page. How do you figure it all out?

And, will it really open the door to new business? Is all that trouble really worth it? When you look around the internet, it seems as if the only websites that bring in paying customers are full of hype or else they look kind of antiseptic and corporate.

Question: How do you create a website that is authentic to you, and still opens the door to new business?

A special-offer bundle designed to help you get all the way there.

Although we think Heart-Centered Websites is pretty powerful all on its own, I wanted to put a bundle together that would help you in an even more complete way. There are more details below, but briefly, we’re including additional home study modules:

Your Customer-Focused Story, a module designed to help you craft the core message to your business, useful in many ways, and especially easy to translate into website copy.

Quick and Clean Landing Pages, a module that helps you use the Customer-Focused Story and some of what you learn in Heart-Centered Websites, and focus it on crafting an effective, non-hypey, full of integrity, sales page that brings business in.

Healing Focus on Visibility and Outreach. In our Learning Community we have Healing Focuses to help heal core issues that slow us down in business. This particular Healing Focus is well-suited for the website bundle because… well, visibility and outreach is absolutely about becoming visible through your website!

Plus Premium version for only 8 people. The premium version includes two live two hour intensives with me, Mark. We’re limiting this to only 8 people so folks can actually get the help.

There’s more details below.

Question: How do you create a website that is authentic to you, and still opens the door to new business?

Here’s a heart-centered approach to creating a website, for you as a spiritually-minded person in business:

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

This package integrates heart, practicality, and experience in a way that will really help you use the web to succeed in business.

What I’d like you to experience:

  • A sense of confidence and clarity in what to do with your website.
  • To see your website working for you, in building a list of interested potential customers.
  • To be able to get a working website up affordably, with a few weeks of focus.

The hardest part of creating a website.

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

When I talk to business owners who are wanting to either get their first website going, or redo the one they have, the single most common issue is how long it takes. Weeks and weeks, sometimes months.

What causes such an unreasonable delay?

It’s usually not the designer. Most web designers I know can get a website up in a day, or a few days at most, especially the kind of website most businesses need, with basic functionality, nothing too fancy or expensive.

The delay comes in as the business owner struggles with how and what to say on their website.

And there’s good reason for that struggle! What pages are even needed? How do you write an effective home page, what’s good to include, what’s too much?

And let’s not even get started with the about page… How do you even write about yourself without sounding boring or like you’re boasting?

A good website can be a real doorway into your business.

For a door to open easily, it needs well-oiled hinges, and a door knob. Those things make the door open easily, but they don’t actually open the door.

A door gets opened when someone wants to open it. There needs to be some connection to the person standing in front of the door, some reason for them to want to turn the door knob and step into your business.

The (not really a) secret to getting a door open.

  1. The words you write.
    Your website is talking to people- people who might (or might not) become your customers- so what do you say? Connecting to these people heart-to-heart, with the right content, is critical.
  2. Design.
    Design makes your website a solid door, that won’t fall apart when you look at. Think of doors you know- either too imposing, or too ramshackle, and they don’t appeal to you. You want a design that matches your content.
  3. Strategy.
    The perfect content, with the perfect design, still won’t open if the hinges are on crooked, or squeak. A huge number of the business websites out there are basically just virtual brochures. To be effective, your website needs strategies that open your customers up to a larger picture.

When you have all three, people can actually enter your business, build trust with you, and become clients.

Client experience

My thought when I first saw Heart-Centered Websites was, ‘Oh no, not another thing!’

I’ve been in business seven years, and I’ve rewritten my website several times, and each time I say to myself, ‘Uh, what do I put on this page? What web pages do I really need?

Then, when I just scanned through, I realized this is going to be something that’s going to be really critical. It’s packed- there was nothing in Creating Heart-Centered Websites that I threw away, or wasn’t important.

What I liked most is all the examples. I was able to get the theory, and see how the different elements fit together, which was great. But the number one thing I was constantly going back to was when I thought I was getting lost, bang, I’d go back to the examples. They made the concepts real, and gave me a leg up for putting it all together.

I would highly recommend Heart-Centered Websites- because I’ve already done so. Thanks, Mark!

-Michael Ehling

Effective since 2007.

I’m Mark Silver, M.Div., founder of Heart of Business. I’ve been teaching the fundamentals of heart-centered websites since 2007. In the ensuing 16 years, even with all the changes on the internet, the exact same teachings that were so effective then, are still effective now.

I see our clients now, in 2023, implementing our approach, and getting the same positive reactions our clients did in 2007, bringing in business and interest.

The reason it’s still effective? It’s because our approach is not based on the latest trends. Our heart-centered approach is grounded and non-hypey. It can be as concise as you like, or it can be more expansive.

You can follow our teachings and implement them, getting your copy written pretty quickly, so whatever web designer you use, can get your website going quickly, too.

And, our approach is flexible enough to show up in whatever the latest website design fashion is.

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

Client experience

Hello beloved community, 
I’ve been really struggling to build my website myself. Finally, with Heart-Centered Websites, I was able to revise my website and saw that it was getting closer to being something I’m ready to put out. I called my web host service to get some instructions on an online form. The woman helping me looked at my website. Then she grew silent. She said, tearfully, “My daughter just tried to commit suicide two days ago. Your website will really be of help to her.”

I was stunned by her forthrightness and more stunned that the webpage words communicated to her heart.

I felt as if I was given a gift. After doubting that I could really help people and get this business launched, I saw how I am getting closer to having a great foundation to launching my business. I emailed the woman telling her that I’m happy to talk to her daughter.

Elissa Kerhulas

What Creating Heart-Centered Websites covers:

Understanding Strategy

It’s not enough to just have a website- you have to also understand how to get people to your website, and, almost more importantly, what to do with folks after they visit your website.

  • The five roles of your website, and how it supports you in being more genuine with customers.
  • What a website can’t do, and where it needs support.
  • Understanding how many different ways, and different times, someone interacts with your business before they purchase, and where the website fits into that process.

The Basic 8

There are eight web pages that nearly every website needs. Many websites are missing some of the important ones. And, even in the ones they do have, they can be missing crucial components that help your visitors connect with the authentic you, and the heart of your business.

  • Which webpages are essential, and which ones are you just wasting your time on.
  • The real purpose of the home page, and what simple elements make it up.
  • How to write a powerful bio page, and why, without coming off as conceited.
  • Using your web pages as a critical method to truly understanding your business, in ways that you never have before.
  • How to help your best potential clients feel welcome on your site.


What in the heck are autoresponders, and how do they work? Even for those who already know and use autoresponders with their websites, most are missing out on the true power of the autoresponder, and how to use it to create deeper heart-connections with your website visitors (which creates more business.)

  • What is an autoresponder, and why is your website useless without it.
  • What are the uses of an autoresponder, and how does it make life easier for you, and more wonderful for your web visitors.
  • One of the most effective, but least common, ways to us an autoresponder, to help create closer relationships with your best customers.
  • What situations do you not want to use an autoresponder, that are worth your precious individual time to handle.

Your Products and Services

Talking about your products and services can be a place where you ignite curiosity and connection… or put people to sleep. How do you write about your products and services in a way that truly connects to your best customers?

  • How to structure a products overview page… and where to lead them next.
  • How much, and how little, to say about your products and services.
  • How to screen out people who aren’t really interested, so you only have to deal with sincere prospective customers.
  • An introduction to the ‘landing page’ – what is it, why is it so important, and why you don’t want your first-time visitors to see one.

Website Design… and the designers themselves.

It seems there are a hundred million website designs out there, and hundred thousand designers to go with them. What elements of design help, and what hurt? And, how can you tell a ‘pretty’ designer who looks good but wastes your money from an effective designer who can actually help your business?

  • What is an ‘element’ and how do you keep them from confusing your visitors.
  • How important is design, and why. When you can skip spending a lot of money on a fancy design, and where it is critical to invest.
  • How do you select a good website designer, one that won’t break the bank, but will actually help you build your business.
  • How to be free and independent of your designer after the website is built- so you can make simple changes yourself, without waiting for someone to get back from vacation, and without an hourly charge every time you want to change a workshop date.
  • Critical points about color and fonts- what messes people up, what feels good, and what’s easier to read and connect with.

Coaching questions and video reviews

Having taught this program many, many times before, and worked with many clients on their websites, included are dozens of written Q&A, organized by web page, as well as two video reviews of websites done by yours truly.

You may have questions, and they may have already been answered in the coaching section!

Now your website can actually help your business grow.

No need to master arcane web architecture. This product will bring clarity and ease to the toughest part of your website: the content. Easy to understand, heart-centered, with straight-forward steps and plenty of examples. You can jump in and make your website work for you!

Client experience

I had no clients, literally zero, until January. I finished the website in January [using Heart-Centered Websites]. I did no SEO, nothing, nothing, and people are starting to find me.

I help neurodivergent entrepreneurs who find writing painful but still have to get it done.

I got one new client and finished four sessions with her in January. I sent my site to someone who had expressed an interest in me some time ago and she booked – she wants to do it! We did a discovery call the other day and she’s like, “What do we do now?”

And then…I noticed an email come in that I’ve got another one…

I want to tell you about the magic. I did visioning for the new year. Four days later, I got my first inquiry from my new website. A few days after that, I did my first cold discovery call ever, and signed them up on the spot for a 4-session package Then when I did my monthly plan for February, I set the intention to attract at least one new client — and now I’ve attracted two and it’s only the middle of the month!

Thank you for the encouragement and love It means so much to me. Mark, and all of you, have cradled my spirit with such love and such profound teachings and experiences.

Dee Tunde Nemeth

Additional entire homestudy packages in this website creation bundle.

All of the above is stand-alone, and works really well. To help you on your way, we are packaging a number products together, including:

The Customer-Focused Story homestudy

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

This is an entire product that helps you craft a five-element story about the work you do, from a client-focused perspective. It’s compelling, and powerful. It helps make the Heart-Centered Websites process even faster, and it can be used in many other contexts. Clients have gone through this, and realized they ended up with an outline for their book.

Quick and Clean Landing (Sales) Pages

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

Writing a basic website is really important. And, it’s different to write sales copy, to create a sales or landing page for an offer you have.

I’ve helped thousands of people over the last twenty years write heart-centered copy, without manipulation, without hype, just solid, conversational, compelling material to help your clients step into hiring you.

Similar to the other products above, it teaches from principles and elements, so you are getting solid guidance on what is needed, without taking on someone else’s voice or style.

A limited-time bundle.

To help out the folks who like home study products, we’ve bundled these three products together, at a special price, for a limited time.

We’ve had people tell me that we’re “undercharging” for this, and we know it. And it’s okay. It feels good to our hearts, and we want you to get the help easily.

If we sold them separately, they would cost over $500. As a bundle, until Tuesday, May 28, you can get it for $365.00

A special premium bonus for only 8 people.

As a premium version of this bundle, I’m going to be holding two live two-hour intensives, one focused on crafting the basic website content, and the second on sales pages. These two intensives will be held later on this year, the first about six weeks from now, and the second another month after that, so you can have time to actually work on the content.

The intensives will be a place where I will offer some deepening teaching, and we will get into your website content. You bring what you’ve got so far, maybe it’s on a web page, maybe it’s a Google doc, and we share screens, and I give you my feedback.

We’re limiting this to only eight people, so there’s a reasonable chance to get questions answered.

Is it still available? If it’s still available to purchase on the page, you can get it.

Client experience

A celebration:  I just got a client!  The best thing about it:  She said that when she read my website she was internally going “that’s me” throughout the site, feeling witnessed.  When she came in to meet me, there wasn’t much selling left to be done, she already trusted I could help her.

Anni Laine, music therapist

Ready to jump in? Here’s what’s included:

What’s included in the bundle

Regular Bundle

Premium Bundle

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

Creating Heart-Centered Websites full home study product

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

The Customer-Focused Story home study program.

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

Quick and Clean Landing (Sales) Pages home study program

Heart-Centered Websites Sales Page

Healing Focus on Visibility and Outreach module

Two 2 hour live intensives with Mark, in a small group of no more than 8 people.

Buy the regular bundle: Payable in one payment of US$365, or in two equal payments of $182.50- the first payment immediately, and the second payment automatically charged in 30 days. Once paid, you’ll be given immediate access to the programs.

Buy the Premium bundle: Payable in one payment of US$665, or in two equal payments of $332.50- the first payment immediately, and the second payment automatically charged in 30 days. Once paid, you’ll be given immediate access to the programs.

Just to make it super-safe for you, I’m offering you a complete and generous guarantee:

The Backwards and Forwards Guarantee.

I really hate receiving money from people when they aren’t happy with what they get. So, I’m offering you a Backwards and Forwards Guarantee-

If, after you have Creating Heart-Centered Websites in your possession, you aren’t happy with it for any reason whatsoever, then:

1. I will pay you Backwards. Ask me, and I’ll refund 100% of the money you paid for Creating Heart-Centered Websites..

2. You pay it Forwards. On your honor, I’ll ask you to then pass your copy of the product on to a friend, colleague, organization, distant relative, whomever- someone you think might like and use it to their benefit.

Nothing’s simpler. You get your money back, and you get to be generous with someone, which always feels good. Plus, if you let me know what you didn’t like about it, I’ll give you a recommendation for a book, author, website, or other resource that might suit you much better.

I’m really wanting you to get the help, no matter where it comes from.

Have a question? Ask! We’ll get right back to you.